Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fireflies and Stars

I couldn't resist putting up one more poem about fireflies. Though, perhaps, the poem is more about the wonders of the Creator.

When I look at the fireflies,
Those reflections of heaven’s stars,
I am amazed at God’s delight as Creator,
His joy at making something so big,
And, with equal attention to detail,
Something so small.


Peter Black said...

I'm glad you included these lines. You really do have a wonderful way with words, and a lively and creative imagination.
I'm learning from you and others that attention to detail is so important in poetry.
Thank you.

Judith Lawrence said...

Thanks Peter.
I am so lucky to live in a rural area where every day I see something of interest. This morning two deer appeared from nowhere and disappeared just as quickly. Yesterday, there was a black bear and, before that papa grouse with his band of children following.