Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wholeness Within

So many voices speak within—
Heart, mind, ego,
Imagination, conscience, soul.
Each one has a place,
Each one must have
Its chance to speak.

Listening to and hearing
Each voice that speaks
Is the key to harmony within.
If all would speak at once
Chaos is a sure result—
Nothing is accomplished,
Nothing is achieved.

Quiet place and time are needed,
To let each part speak,
Each part listen and
Hear the others’ point of view;
Allowing them to integrate
In one harmonious whole.

Inner song in glorious harmony,
Strength, and beauty
Comes from such a place
And time as this.
Slow down and stare awhile;
Slow down and listen;
Then sing your song.

© Judith Lawrence


Peter Black said...

Insightful, searching, instructive.
Judith, I'd say that the lines of this poem beckon and offer a path for peace and self knowledge that so many of us fail to achieve, yet is available to those who take the time to pursue it.

Judith Lawrence said...

Thanks Peter.