Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Like Lotus Petals

As all creation unfolds
Energy explodes in prayer.

The butterfly emerging
From the chrysalis
Opens its wings and
Flies aloft in prayer.

Bulbs’ leaves push through
The lately snow-covered
Ground and petals
Open in flowers of
Crocus, daffodil,
Lily and hyacinth.

Baby birds emerge from
Eggs and fledge from
Nests in a matter of days.
Young wild animals
Mature in a matter of months.

They write creation
On the forest floor
Flora and fauna alike
Unfold in cosmic prayer.

Humans, evolving into
Spiritual beings, unfold
Slowly and steadily,
Their souls open to
God like lotus petals
In the morning sun.


Peter Black said...

Beautiful lines, accompanied by beautiful pictures.
A very interesting theme. We are familiar with thinking of nature as declaring the praises of the Creator, but this thought that living things -- animal and plant life -- progress through each stage of their life-cycle as though in prayer, I'm sure will be rather novel for many of us. A wonderful perspective. Thanks.

Judith Lawrence said...

Peter, Thanks for commenting on my poem. Your thoughts give me cause to consider anew what I have written. It is true that we usually think of praise as nature's expression of prayer, but nature's beauty causes us to pray and praise God. Nature's prayer, then, is that its creation will cause us to pray and praise God.